Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Have you ever cared so deeply for someone
that you actually had to walk away?
It seems I've found myself in a situation where
"hardest thing, and the right thing are the same."
I had to tell someone that I love that we can't
communicate anymore until some things get
sorted out. I believe he loves me back...but that
remains to be seen.

I used to believe that love was always easy,
and if it was meant to be then there wouldn't be
a struggle. Well, I don't believe that anymore.
I think sometimes the most amazing relationships in
life have been challenging, and the fight to make them
work makes them so much more valuable in the end.

I believe that this man is worth fighting for, but I think
I have to play the silent part now. I have purposefully
never prayed for patience because I have
always been afraid of the the circumstances I
would have to endure in order to learn that lesson. Well,
it appears that I am getting "schooled" in both patience
and trust! UGH! Double UGH!

I think that my biggest fear is that I'm going to wait,
and be patient, and trust...only to get hurt again! Guess we'll
have to see what happens! Here's to some real life
edumacation! (and yes, I spelled it wrong on purpose!) :)


La said...

I love you Jules!!

I know we have discussed this already, but for the record i will put in my two cent here. :)

Letting someone go and having them return to you is, in my opinion, a test of true love. Love is complicated. If it was easy and simple and predictable....we wouldn't learn as much as we do about ourselves and the people we love. Consider your choice and strength to "be silent" as a blessing. You are doing the right thing.

I love you. Saturday better come quickly. I miss you. XO

La said...
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Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jules- just be quite and still and listen to God and become the person you are ment to be. Let Him take care of the rest. So many times in life we try so hard to make things the way we want them we don't realize we are actually fighting against God making things the way HE thinkgs they should be.
Love and Prayers